If you have an old heating system that needs replacement, delaying the job will cause you more problems. The sheer number of options available in the market is enough to intimidate anyone, and most people instead choose to repair. Before you call for heating services in Phoenix, read our list of the five most popular types of heating systems in the US and how they work.
Five Types of Home Heating Systems-
- Furnaces: Furnaces are the most common heating system in any part of the US. They come in different sizes and are further divided by the fuel they consume. You can choose from an electric furnace, oil furnace, propane furnace, gas furnace, or wood furnace. However, different parts of the US favor different types, so before buying one, find out which one is most common in your state.
- Heat pumps: Heat pumps are the second most popular heating system because they can heat and cool a home. They use electricity and refrigerants to transfer heat from indoors to outdoors (in summer) and from outdoors to indoors (in winter). However, these are not efficient in places where the temperature drops below the freezing point.
- Radiant heating: Radiant heating works by distributing heat through the pipes installed under the floor or in ceilings and walls. The heat is generated by burning oil or gas, or sometimes a boiler is attached to generate hot water. These are one of the most long-lasting systems, but the repairs can be expensive if it breaks down.
- Ductless and mini-split: These systems have an outdoor unit and an indoor unit that work together. The outdoor unit, the compressor, provides clean air, while the indoor unit is usually responsible for distributing this air throughout your home. While these are common with air conditioners, these can be used for all homes. These are usually installed in homes with no ductwork.
- Hybrid heating: Hybrid heating units comprise a heat pump and a gas furnace. In mild weather, the heat pump is responsible for providing your home with hot air. However, when the temperature drops below the freezing point, the furnace automatically kicks in. This type of unit reduces the disadvantages of a typical heat pump.
What to do Before You Buy?
Everyone understands the importance of research before you buy a heating unit. However, you should do one more thing before you purchase one: get professional HVAC companies in Phoenix.
We recommend calling a technician for inspections before any installations because they can easily inspect your ductwork and current HVAC units. The technician will usually take three things into account before any recommendation:
- Your average usage of the unit.
- The total area of your home.
- Your current ductwork/ventilation units.
Then, based on their observation, they can recommend the most suitable unit for your home.
If you’re an AZ resident, you can contact LJ Refrigeration for all services, including the water heater replacement in Phoenix. They provide excellent long-lasting services for all heating and cooling units. or call them on 480-948-5004.